About Me

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My name is Rashi. I have been sketching ever since i learnt that a pencil leaves a mark on the paper. Sketching animals is what i love doing the most. Dogs, horses, dragons and other mythical beasts are my favourites. I am available for hire for freelance work of illustrations,graphic designing, character designing, storyboarding, etc.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And some more BGs

Sorry about my absence. Cousins at home, deadlines looming, Red Dead Redemption are all eating away my time.
I had made this practice quite a while back. I like how the mountains came out. Still sticking to simple stuff and Im still not very confident with backgrounds. My friend gave a good advice. He said I should stick to the Hard Round brush of Photoshop and play around with its opacity and flow instead of using soft brushes which I was doing in some of my previous background practices. I do like the difference.
Would love to hear tips about how I should go about making backgrounds from you guys!

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